Saturday, December 29, 2012

Star of the Week (SUPERstar?)

Like most of you I'm still shaken by the events in Newtown.  Hope you had some good family moments over the holidays and plenty of hugging your kids.
I think I could write a blog on the star sighting of the week at the market (or Starbucks).  I don't even mention it happens all the time.  Yesterday however was one that I can't not mention.
The beautiful Annette Bening at Whole Foods.  I'm not one to get star-struck since it's such a frequent occurrence, but seriously people...Annette Bening.  Big time movie star.  Married to big time movie star Warren Beatty.  Hollywood royalty. She was so stunning I wanted to just stop and stare at her but my daughter scolded me so I just kept walking.
In other news, still looking every day for a house, condo or apartment to buy.  People don't do much real estate selling over the holidays.  There are like 5 places and nothing good.  Gotta keep the faith though...something will come up.
In the meantime does anyone know a way to break the habit of eating this every morning for breakfast:
Or grabbing one of these every single time you walk through the kitchen:
How do you kick the holiday sweets habit?
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. wow Karen, must be exciting to see stars in your hood! I wish you the best in house hunting- sounds tough. There are a million choices where I am. I have to just throw out the cookies and give away the rest, cause I gained some poundage over the holidays! yikes. Ii love to bake so it was a good excuse to indulge, but it's SOOO hard to get back on track. I wanted to go cold turkey this week but failed. best of luck to you and happy new year!
    xo Nancy
